Well, we are really happy to have a new member - except for the fact that you 
have TM to get here!     Tell us your story of your attack of TM and how you 
are doing, if
you don't mind.     We have all done the same and know each other's stories.   
It seems that we all have many similarities and yet we are all left at 
different levels with
TM.     Please do not be shy about jumping in with any of the topics that come 
up.    We all are just honest in our opinions and as you will be told over and 
over, "there
is nothing that has not been discussed or asked in this group".     We are very 
open and probably have many of the same problems that you do.       Anyway, we 
really glad you found us and we hope we can help in some way.     It will help 
take away some of the "isolation" feelings that many of us had in having such a 
disease.      Hope to hear from you.
Janice, from Missouri

From: j ra 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:44 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: [TMIC] TM and Me

I'm so glad to have found this site. I was diagnosed with TM in October 2008. 
My battle continues.....
Jeron o'Hara Rampersad

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