Dear Kevin,
I am so sorry for your loss, I can empathize with your pain. I just lost my baby sister on the 22nd of Feb. But she did not have to die, the ER staff treated her like crap. She had a history of minor vomiting of blood from a small bleeding ulcer, plus passing blood from her bowels because of hemorrhoids. When she went in that night she told them it was much much more than usual, and that she was having mild hallucinations. So they sent her to the psyche ward with no examination, they sent he home the next day, and the next day she died. At the autopsy they found she had a pancreatic hemorrhage and was bleeding to death when she went into the ER. A simple x-ray or sonogram would have showed the blood in her abdomen, but because she is a Medicare patient.... well one knows how they treat us. And since it is a state owned and run hospital, they have it fixed so there is no way to sue them... Colorado is the place. Their damned prisoners get better treatment than the elderly or disabled.. I am still so mad at them; and sad at the loss: I hadn't gotten to see her in over 20 years because of our disabilities and being unable to travel. My younger brother is going through this with me, and we find solace in each other. I pray for relief for you, and may God's Shining Countenance be with you and guide you.
Bernie in Texas

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