I honestly don't know what to say to you.    I don't have the complications you 
do, but my life is not independent any more.    I panic at the thought that 
could happen to my husband - besides his loss to deal with, I know I can not 
live alone.       But, I can not believe you would give up on life.    You need 
a really good
doctor and he needs to get you on better or more meds - especially depression 
meds.      I hate the sound of any of us giving up.    There are so many people 
there that would give anything to live, even with complications like yours.     
I have 2 friends that are dying of cancer as we speak - they would trade places 
with you
in a flash.    Only difference is, they would find a better doctor.    Many of 
us have had a taste of a "not so good" doctor, and it stinks.      But you just 
can NOT give
up.    You are putting your body through so much more than it has to go through 
by not taking any meds.     Also, the support of family and friends is extremely
important.    Life, to me, would be unbearable without them.     Please get 
some help - it is out there, just waiting for you.

Please stay in touch with us,

From: j ra 
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 3:10 AM
To: Transverse Myelytis 
Subject: [TMIC] alive

Have anyone of you ever wondered what it would be like without this? I've put 
so much pressure on my family that I now know what loneliness feels like. I 
haven't seen my wife for months and I prefer it this way. I have so much pain 
and it's mine and mine alone to bear. I have fibromyalgia, vasculitis and 
TM.....and I just quit pain meds one week ago....just to see what it all feels 
like again. I'm suffering from withdrawal symtoms of valium, nuerontin, 
cymbalta and seroquel all at the same time. I'm just about given up 
hope.....what's the use...I can't even feel the earth underneath my feet 
anyway, with or without them. I've decided to live until death with the pain 
and the it alone or with my shadow. I love my wife too much to see 
her cry again for me in a hospital I've decided to go it more burden to my loved ones. I now live alone and try 
to get by each day at a time, until the end.....I give up!
Sorry to all of you who have been there before for me.

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