I don't normally post but this one actually made me angry


We don't choose to get TM.  It chooses us.  Just like other "afflictions" do.  
There is nothing you can do.


Sorry but you will not get pity from me.  This is a time in your life that you 
need your family and friends.  Don't ever hide anything from them.  Some may 
not "get" you or what you are going through but some will.  They honestly have 
no idea.  Help them learn!


You need to quit the pity party unless you do want to be alone and miserable 
and feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your life.  


I made a choice years back.  And I am a happier person with a whole different 
outlook on a life I had to adjust.


Someone said this is a support group.  I will support anyone until they give up.


Just remember, you are not the only what out there that is going through what 
you are.  I certainly hope you don't think you are.


Sorry but no pity / sympathy or whatever you want.  I have TM too.
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