Hey Dalton,
This is a thought that has crossed my mind. Almost 20 years ago I was diagnosed with TM, but in these latter years I have been having problems with other parts of my body. Numbness, jerking motions, tingling electrical feelings, etc. But they cannot do an MRI because of the pump I have. My doctor says that it is really irrelevant at this time, as I have not lost use of my arms, or had problems breathing; but my eyesight has gone to the crapper. This to can be a sign of MS. But since both are treated mostly the same, there is not much I can do... but it does make one wonder if you have a defective auto immune system, then can you have more than one auto immune disease? My oldest daughter has Graves disease, and now they think she is progressing into Myesthenia Gravis ( which can lead to ALS); or she has Fibromyalgia with the Graves. All are auto immune disorders... how were you diagnosed with both if I may ask?
Bernie in Texas

Hey, Rob;

I cant type very much right now , but just wanted to say I really enjoyed your post. Four months ago I was diagnosed with MS and three week s ago I got TM. A real rollercoaster of a ride, but, like you, most days are positive and I am very heppy to be in the state I'm in, especially when compared to how much suffering others are going through. I still have a job I can mostly do. That's pretty good, I'd say. So, I count my blessings, but some days are tougher than others. We're human and emote different ways depending on lots of things.

Thanks for sharing, Rob.


Dalton, NYC/Abu Dhabi

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