Rob, you are right on!!     Can never quit.     Jeron, we all have our nasty 
areas of the body that give pain or just won't work.    But, the important 
thing, as I said earlier,
is to find the right doctor that can and will make your life more acceptable.   
If one doc doesn't do the trick, try another.   Life is too short to not get 
the right help when
it is out there.    Just keep looking.     Keep us posted on how you are doing 
- physically and mentally.
I wish you the best.       Janice

From: Robert Pall 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:23 PM
To: Grace M. ; Janet Dunn 
Cc: ; 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

    Great dialogue today...this is what the group is all about!
I am going on 13 years and I would be lying if I said I did not occasionally 
have a self pity is very hard getting sick and never getting 
better...and if I dwell on this fact or how lousy my body has felt every minute 
of every day for 13 years.....I would throw in the towel. However for the most 
part I chose to live my life to its fullest realizing my limitations but trying 
my best to find ways to overcome them. That is why this group and my NJ Support 
group is so important. .....we talk to people who understand.....and in most 
cases can relate far better than our spouses or family members.
    I have found that an occasional good cry can really help!

    Thank you for letting me be involved with so many brave and caring people!

Rob in New Jersey

From: Grace M. [] 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:32 PM
To: Janet Dunn
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive

  Hi Janet,

I wonder about that, too.  For the most part I am able to stay emotionally on 
top of things, but that being said, I also experience very dark times. My pdoc 
(Psychiatrist) has told me that it is perfectly normal and part of being human.

Like you and Jeron though, I MISS my old life.  Being physically active and fit 
was just part of who I was.  Not being able to participate in my former 
activities will probably always be painful for me.  Never again will I walk ten 
miles at a shot, or ride a horse.  Have I adjusted?  For the most part, yes, 
but as I mentioned there are still some very dark days.  We're all human.


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