Hey Rev. Craig,
Welcome to our little society! Just like so much of us, I'm sorry to meet you 
this way,  but please know we only do one thing here and that is support each 
other. I know for a fact that these TMers do so much for eachother that it 
borders on an other worldly experience sometimes. We've all been there before 
and all have some value to add in any situation that we may come across and I 
for one can welcome whatever insight you have in terms of how you choose to 
deal with this thing of ours called TM. This is a remarkable group of people, 
please feel welcomed!
P.S as our friend Gunny recently reminded us, it's not about our 
disability...IT'S ABOUT OUR ABILITY!
Welcome friend!

From: revcross...@gmail.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:49:59 -0500
Subject: [TMIC] Thank you!

Wow, what a response! I just
checked my e-mail and my laptop sort of hiccupped when it found all the

I appreciate all of you
responding so quickly. As I learn more about TM (and then teach my doctor about
it) I am sure I will have other questions.

Luckily, the church I serve
has been incredibly open and willing to work with me especially on the bad
days. They even put a tall stool behind the pulpit so I can sit while I preach.
The only thing they worry about is that I will be so comfortable sitting on the
stool that I will preach longer sermons!


Rev. Craig Crossman

First Baptist Church

615 W. Webster St.

Colby, KS 67701

W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154




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