So, I have all the symptoms;

But no lesions.  OK, I¹m stumped, except that the brainstem lesions are
still there.


Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 21:16:00 -0700
To: Dalton Garis <>, <>, Carol E
Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out there
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 20:17:15 -0800

This is what I have been told also.  My lesions can still be seen but they
are inactive (C4,5,6). I was told they are like a scar.  However, I've seen
posts where others have been told something different.
Dalton, I still have all the residuals - burning, banding, weakness - it's
just that some days are better than others.  It's going on 9 years for me.
Hope you get to feeling better!
Linda  in Eagle, ID
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Carol  E <>
> To: ;
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 9:04  PM
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] hello out there
> Hi Dalton and all,
> I was 1st diagnosed with TM June  2005.  I had lesions from T7-T10.  Every
> time I have new MRI's,  I am always told that I have no new lesions, but they
> can still see the old  ones which are inactive.  So I would say the lesions do
> not go away, they  are there like a scar.
> Carol  in  Addison, IL
>  Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 07:50:59 +0400
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out  there
> From:
> To:;;
>  Hey, Janice!
> We  missed you.  And I missed you.  Glad to have you back with  us.
> I have a question for everyone.  A recent set of MRIs showed  that my spine in
> the thoracic was clear with no lesions or swellings.  It  has been one year
> since the diagnosis for TM.
> Do these lesions clear up  later on, or did somebody make a mistake somewhere?
> Because my everyday  symptoms are still weakness and pain from fingers to just
> above the elbow, and  from toes to above the knees with banding and burning in
> the torso and back.   And if I exercise at all, the next day I am in for
> day-long spasms that  leave me housebound and often unable to get around
> without assistance of my  dear part-time maid and helper.
> Could someone get back to me on  this?
> Thanks a lot.
> Dalton
>  From: Janice Nichols < <> >
> Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010  19:28:29 -0600
> To: Dalton Garis < <> >,
> Barbara Alma < <> >,
> < <> >
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello  out there
> I do too, Dalton.     You have a different set of problems that I have not
> heard  in other TM'ers.     Sure wish you would get you act  together - scares
> me!!!
> Seriously, I hope that is the last day you will  have like that.
> Janice
> From:  Dalton Garis <>
> Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 10:23 AM
> To:  Barbara Alma <>  ;
> <>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] hello out there
> Actually;
> I had a  day-long attack of spasms yesterday which left me unable to control
> either my  hands and arms, legs, torso or speech.  Every time I tried to talk
> I  would cramp up. And Elvis was definitely being channeled in my body.
> Thank heavens I had the assistance of a very nice and strong maid who  visits
> me once a week.  It was her day to visit and she stayed with me  and helped me
> to the bathroom and into and out of chairs.  It was hard to  sit down because
> I couldn¹t make my body bend and I¹d just slide off.   But we got it under
> control.  She had to help me drink and eat.   I would grab the coffee cup
> handle and then could not make my hand let  go.
> In the mean time I was so grateful for her assistance and that the  Lord was
> taking care of me that I was also as high as a kite and proposing  marriage to
> chairs and such. 
> Today was the beginning of the work  week here (Abu Dhabi) and I did alright.
> But the lecture kept going off  on these tangents making it hard for my class
> to take useful notes.  It  was because my mental state was still flying around
> the cosmos.
> What is  going on here?  OK, I have TM in my upper spine; but what is this
> mental  derangement stuff?  I sure wish the drs could find out what is wrong
> with  me.
> Dalton
>  From: Barbara Alma < <> >
> Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010  00:48:22 -0400 (EDT)
> To: < <> >
> Subject: [TMIC] hello out  there
> Resent-From: < <> >
> Resent-Date: Sat, 6 Nov  2010 21:48:30 -0700
> Well, I guess  since nobody has written in that all must be going well for
> everyone.   It's very good to hear this.  I do think that it is a good idea to
> keep this list going though in case there are any newbies who may need us and
> don't think there is anyone here to listen to  them.
> If a couple of days pass without any messages,  let's send in a message or
> two.
> Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn  CA

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