You're right, Cheryl.  Thank you for mentioning that.  That's why I
consider how much calcium-containing food I eat.  I also balance it with
magnesium, which should be about 1/2 as much as calcium (taking extra
magnesium is also particularly good for people prone to kidney stones or
constipation).  But too much of anything is not good.  Going to extremes
with supplements - even those considered 'harmless' - can throw things out
of balance.


> Hi,
>    Too much calcium can cause constipation,kidney stones,gas,plaque in
> arteries,risk of prostate cancer,dry mouth,confusion,dizziness,and even
> seizures.Too much calcium in the blood can result in calcium toxicity,and
> can develop into abnormal deposits of calcium in the body's tissues.
>    No vitamin or mineral is without complications if over used.
>       Cheryl in Easthampton,MA
> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Patricia Cooley <> wrote:
> From: Patricia Cooley <>
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] Gabapentin
> To: "'Janice Nichols'" <>,, "'john
> snodgrass'" <>
> Cc: "'Dalton Garis'" <>, "'transverse myelitis'"
> <>
> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 3:25 PM
> I never heard that you get into trouble with too much calcium.  I take
> over
> 1200 mg a day, but I don't take them all at once.  I take one at lunch and
> one at dinner, plus my multi which has calcium in the a.m.  I also take
> one
> magnesium tablet in the a.m.  It helps to absorb the calcium, but you
> don't
> take it at the same time as your calcium.  I was under the impression if
> you
> take more than you need, you just pee it out which is a waste since they
> aren't cheap.  Plus I drink milk and have milk on my cereal in the a.m.
> Patti - Wisconsin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Janice Nichols []
> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 12:32 PM
> To:; john snodgrass
> Cc: Dalton Garis; transverse myelitis
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Gabapentin
> Sally, what would be too much calcium?     I know that if you take too
> much
> you get into trouble for other things.
> Janice
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 10:09 AM
> To: john snodgrass
> Cc: Dalton Garis ; transverse myelitis
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Gabapentin
> John,
> I'm not sure what your spasms are like - maybe yours are much worse than
> mine, but I've found that if I take sufficient calcium supplements, I
> don't have them.  (What I refer to as 'spasms', for me, is when nerves in
> my legs actually cause my legs to jerk around when I'm still.  It makes it
> hard to go to sleep.)
> I take maybe 800 mg to 1200 mg/day, depending on how much calcium foods
> I've eaten.  If my legs start to spasm, I know I didn't take enough and
> get up and take some.  (Calcium is more effective if taken in smaller
> doses - i.e. 400mg - throughout the day, rather than all at once.)  My
> calcium levels were good before I was given the 5000 mg methyl-prednisone
> to zap the myelitis, but that zapped the calcium, too.  So this is likely
> to be true for all of us who were given steroids to treat the TM.  It
> might be worth it to give it a try.
> Sally
>> realy bad spasms.
>> it helps some.
>> i thought this stuff made you sleepy.
>> i reckon i am immune.
>> --- On Sat, 12/18/10, Dalton Garis <> wrote:
>> From: Dalton Garis <>
>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Gabapentin
>> To: "john snodgrass" <>
>> Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 9:33 AM
>> That is 4x what I am taking!
>> John, do you have paralysis and spasms?  And is that why the neuro has
>> you
>> on such a high dose?
>> Because I would love to be more medicated if I could.
>> Dalton
>> Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
>> Mobile: +971-50-668-5760--
>> From: john snodgrass <>
>> Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 06:11:48 -0800 (PST)
>> To: Kevin Wolfthal <>
>> Cc: transverse myelitis <>
>> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Gabapentin
>> Resent-From: <>
>> Resent-Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 06:11:49 -0800
>> i am taking 2400 mg a day. it helps but it doesn't heal me
>> --- On Sat, 12/18/10, Kevin Wolfthal <> wrote:
>>> From: Kevin Wolfthal <>
>>> Subject: [TMIC] Gabapentin
>>> To:
>>> Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 6:12 AM
>>> My new doctor visited me today. I asked him again about
>>> Gabapentin and he
>>> is going to start me on 100mg 3 times a day. For those who
>>> take this, I would
>>> like to hear how you did on it. I realize it's a low
>>> dosage.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kevin

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