My therapist says to stretch s l o w l y, and never until you feel too tired in that area. If so, stop. But, I agree it is hard to tell and I can understand
how stretching can be overdone before you know it.

-----Original Message----- From:
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:55 PM
To: john snodgrass
Cc: transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] WARNING - don't overstretch

'how will i know if i
have overstretched until i have done it?'

Actually, I think this is a valid question!  I know I need to still
stretch, but I'm slightly paranoid about injuring myself again, as I had
no idea, even, when I over-did it the first time!  If anyone has an
answer, please tell us!  :)


ignore this if it sounds to pessimestic.

not over stretching sounds a lot like i need to take the medicine right
before the pain starts for best results.

how am i going to know when the pain is going to start just as how will i
know if i have overstretched until i have done it?

my best remedy is just to be me,,,;)

thought i was going to say something else stupid didnt you!

lol....happy new year.

dont over stretch and take your pain meds just before the pain hits for
best results

--- On Thu, 12/30/10, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  WARNING - don't overstretch
To: "Janice Nichols" <>
Cc: "wim from holland" <>, "TMIC"
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 2:14 PM
Interesting to read these last two
emails, as it reminded me of how I
injured myself last summer by overstretching, but not by
the same kind of
accident as did Wim!  I didn't even know I'd done
it!  We stretch to help
manage the spacticity, right.  Well, I finally went to
a podiatrist when
my left ankle had been hurting worse and worse.  He
told me I had TORN my
Achilles tendon!

Apparently, I had gradually stretched it too much and it
had torn 33%!  It
healed in a few months, but still hurts almost as much as
before it
healed.  Now they tell me I have Sural Nerve Neuritis
- apparently from
scar tissue pressing on the nerve???  Good news is
that the Podiatrist
recommended Lyrica, which just happens to also be good for
too.  I've only been on it a couple of weeks but it
seems to be helping.


Apparently, b/c of the spacticity, there's not as much give
as there
normally would be, and it facilitated the tear.  And
even more, it's the
exact pain I've had in my hip (thigh) for 4 years, which
they decided was
from overcompensating for my right leg which was the one
most affected by
the TM.  But the podiatrist agreed that if I could
tear at the ankle, I
could well have torn a tendon in my thigh/hip. It all makes
sense b/c
someone had talked me into doing some extreme stretches
shortly after the
initial TM, thinking that would help me.  At the time
I didn't have too
much feeling in that leg and didn't notice how bad it was
until my feeling
improved!  But I'm pretty sure, now, that that was
what caused this
sciatica-like pain, too.

I've been wanting to post about this to warn others about
(I tend to easily go to extremes!  It's keeping that
balance; being
'moderate' that I have a problem with.  And now I'm
paying for it!  :)

Happy New Year,

> I had a hamstring problem
too.   Therapists had me doing lots of
> stretching and I am back to normal (if you can call TM
normal) now.
> Good luck
> with it.    Spain sounds like a great
cure!    Tell us about the trip when
> you get back.
> Janice
> From: wim from holland
> Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [TMIC]
> Janice
> Normaly I could say, just fine, not better or worse.
After all this time
> it was very study. But last summer I overstreched my
hamstrings by a fall.
> A very stupid one, sitting on the bed I reached too
far for clothes on the
> floor and slide from the bed. I jused after that time
my wheelchair all
> the day, because standing and walking with crutches
was too painfull. Now
> after recovering, it is hard to get back to what I
could do before. I hope
> in summer when we go to Spain I can get it back in the
warm sun and dayly
> in the swimming pool.
> Wim
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [TMIC]
> Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:31:41 -0600
> Wim, it is great hearing from you again!  Â
How are you doing – besides
> learning to be grandparents.
> Janice
> From: wim from holland
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 9:03 AM
> To: TMIC
> Subject: [TMIC]
> Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!
> Happy new year everybody, hopefully this will be the
year that makes an
> end to TM, and if not, don't give up hope and keep the
head up. Last two
> years were very strange. We become grandparents, but
we also became
> orphans this year. Next year our second grand child
will be born.
> Wim from Holland.

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