Hi Susan,


Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances - I am 58, married with 2
children (20 & 22 who still live at home). I was dx'd with TM in April of
2006, spent a month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of
physical & occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on
my right wrist/arm to improve my hand function.


Early this year I started wearing a leg brace (when I'm out walking a lot -
grocery or mall shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated
issue, he became interested in my 'condition' and other problems I have as a
result of TM - weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated arch/ankle and
drop-foot. He recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by
Trulife in the U.K.
fo/matrix ) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability
I need without being too heavy. I don't wear it around the house, but when I
go out, it helps tremendously. 


I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like
TM so I'm curious. you said you have probable MS, but were dx'd with TM this
year. Is that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or
in addition to it? 


And the Cranial Sacral Therapy. I'm very interested in it. I had many years
of chiropractic treatments during my teens & 20's due to severe headaches
and backaches caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I
had my spine fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I've
considered going back, but the thought of someone else touching and
manipulating my body just creeps me out. I have extreme sensitivity to
synthetic fabrics which make my skin feel like it's crawling and being
hugged by others can sometimes be painful. I tried acupuncture a couple
years ago, but didn't see (or feel) any improvement in my condition. You
mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you more than anything else. In what
way - other than the obvious feeling of well-being - did it help you? With
pain or with function? Also, do you use pain meds? If so, what do you use
and in what dosage? 


Sorry if I sound nosy, but I'm always interested in alternative therapies.
Since we all seem to react differently, you never know what might work for



(in Northern California)    




From: Susan Kleinz [mailto:skle...@cox.net] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02 AM
To: Elizabeth Clark
Cc: kimharrison...@comcast.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS


As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz


57, married, 3 children, 

diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after
becoming paralyzed on left side.


diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a
brace on left leg.


thank you for all these wonderful websites!


my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu
or shingles shots.

I've never had either.


Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.


Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -

phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.


B 12 shots twice a week help also.



Phoenix, AZ


On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn't that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of
race car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the
fight against spinal cord injuries - and particularly TM - to help educate
others about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:














(in Northern California)




From: kimharrison...@comcast.net [mailto:kimharrison...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Cc: transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS


Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it



From: "James Berg" <molokai...@gmail.com>
To: "transverse myelitis" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
Subject: [TMIC] CBS

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another


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