I have been experimenting with precompiling my jsp's on Tomcat 5 and have a
few questions. Most of my questions are based on the information on:

1)       What is the difference between using the jspc target (with
compile="true") as opposed to using the compile target?  Are there any pros
or cons to each method and which is the preferred way?

2)       Once my jsp pages are precompiled I am left with .class files. What
are the pros or cons of deploying these directly to
CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/${webapp} instead of putting the
.class files into WEB-INF/classes and then mapping all the servlets in
web.xml? I actually like the fact that when you put them into the work
directory, you can still modify the .jsp files in the webapp and have them
recompile which is not possible in the second method.

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