On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 12:28:27PM +0100, Allistair Crossley wrote:
: your suggestion is precisely what we do here, but it still leads to 5 minutes
: downtime (web server "nice maintenance page", removing old war, unpacking new
: war takes time).

I guess my clients have always listed this as a far-off want, not a hard
need. =)  They feel that regular, scheduled webapp outages are a

: do any application servers support "hot deploying" if that is correct term,
: i.e user requests are served by the older webapp until the new webapp is
: ready?

IIRC BEA WebLogic 8.x (or was that 7.x?) has such a concept: it will
load a setup a new webapp, then "flip the switch" when you say so.



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