Turn up debugging and check your logs. It should report on startup what is processed. Look for errors.

Move the ROOT folder out of the webapps folder.

After step 3 would step 1 still work?


----- Original Message ----- From: "xhu1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:42 PM
Subject: set default web application

I just downloaded Tomcat5.5 and Struts1.2.4. I would
like to make struts-mailreader app to be the default
application in Tomcat. However I could not make it.

What I did (I didn't touch any configuration yet):
1. copy struts-mailreader.war and put in webapps
directory. it got deployed and I can go to
2. I add context.xml under
webapps/struts-mailreader/META-INFO with the following
<Context path=""
When I go to http://localhost:8080, it still points to
welcome one.
3. I rename ROOT under webapps to be ROOT1, now
http://localhost:8080 becomes blank screen
4, I add struts-mailreader.xml under
conf\Catalina\localhost with the same line as in
context.xml, it still a blank screen when I request

set the default web app should be very commom task,
but it's so difficult for me. Please help. Thanks.

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