
(I'm using VA for Java 3.02 and tomcat 3.1.1 running inside VAJ.)
I have problems running my own servlets from the VAJ workspace
without exporting it. When I start tomcat and type in the URL of my
servlet i get a message that the page is not found. (BTW: The
tomcat examples work fine).
I've already read some hints posted earlier in this mailing list and
therefore set the class path of the class that starts tomcat. It
includes all projects of my workspace.

Question 1: Do I have to mention my project in the tomcat conf. file
server.xml? If yes, do I have to set the doc base to

Question 2: Do I have to set additional classpath variables?

Has somebody had similar problems and can help me?


Stefan Munz

Gießsteinstr. 16
72805 Lichtenstein

www   www.munz-ipn.de
Tel. 0 71 29 / 92 25 33 / Mobil 01 75 24 56 78 0
Fax  0 71 29 / 92 25 33

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