You got it: Authenticator is called before Filter.  If you want to get in
before the Authenticator is called, then you need to use the
(Tomcat-specific, and totally non-portable) Valve.

"Oliver Wulff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

I wrote a custom HttpServletRequestWrapper and a filter. I've overriden the
method getUserPrincipal() and isUserInRole(). The second one just returns
true back (for test purposes).
Now, I have a problem if I define a <security-constraint> in the web.xml. I
get the following error if I try to access a secured servlet (filter is
Configuration error: Cannot perform access control without an authenticated

I guess I have to write a custom realm for authorization purposes (which
roles the user belongs to). But Tomcat has to authenticate the user which
is already authenticated by Apache. The returned principal by
getUserPrincipal() is the authenticated user.

Is the authenticator called before the filter?

Hope you can help me...

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