On Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:17:29 -0500, Libertas <liber...@mykolab.com>

> My OpenBSD node is currently on

Which is from the -current ports tree. On -stable it's tor-
but I doubt that you want to run your relay on -current.

> If compilation is considered tedious, though, I or someone like me
> could start more aggressively maintaining the Tor port.

You're wrong because you're mistaking port and package

> I was actually
> considering this recently, although I have no prior experience with
> port development. 

Have you only even tried to mail the maintener?

Quoting another mail from you for the lulz:

On Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:04:43 -0500, Libertas <liber...@mykolab.com>

> Another example that I forgot to mention earlier: encrypting swap on
> Debian or Ubuntu involves apt-getting and such. On OpenBSD, it
> involves changing two characters of /etc/sysctl.conf.

You mean activating something which is activated by default since 3.8
which has been released in Nov. 2005?

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