On 2014-09-14 10:54, Crypto wrote:
I just set up a new hidden service for Tor. I'd like to make it
available to everyone in the Tor community. What's the best was to go
about doing this? The Tor Hidden Wiki? The Torlinks page? How do I go
about getting my site included and publicized?

Just as you would publicize any other website. Many people (technology journalists among them) appear to think that "the hidden internet" or "the dark web" is something that must be "tunneled into" and accessed only through a special portal such as the ones you have mentioned, when really they should be thinking of hidden services as usable alongside - and linkable from - any other web service.

Restricting the advertisement of hidden services to other hidden services will not help defeat the "dark web" mental model.

Of course, it then depends on the nature of your service and the target users.

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