My gut feeling is there are too many different permutations possible
when using the Touch as a reference platform. I guess we will need to
wait for Marketing to work out which are likely to be the most popular.

The issue about having multiple versions with certain functionality
dropped from each one, is that your cost base is actually likely to go
up. You would have more product lines to keep track of, a more complex
support system and your software is also going to get more complex to
cater to these variations.

I can see the idea of dropping the screen to produce a replacement for
the Receiver, that makes sense. But removing the DAC and outputs, USB,
SD card slot, reducing the memory and processor speed probably wouldn't
reduce the cost very much. You are still leaving the most expensive
elements of the Touch intact (screen, casing and the software and
support costs). But if in wall installations did become a significant
market, then I guess it is possible.


my collection:
*1*x squeezebox radio
*1*x squeezebox touch
*1*x squeezebox boom
*2*x controller, *1*x receiver
*2*x sb3 (sliver/black), *1*x sb2 wired (silver)
*1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

interested in any others if you have them!
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