I think the duet would work well for you.  The duet comes with a player
and a controller.  Another player can be purchased seperately for ~$140,
so you can expand for a pretty small cost.  You can also purchase
another controller charger stand if you wish to have one in both of your
listening locations.  This is < $50 with a power supply.

You are already steaming music with your soundbridge, so you have an
idea of how a squeezebox will perform.  You can expect the same, if not
better, performance from a squeezebox.

I use Pandora too and it works well with the squeezebox.  I don't know
about Sirius - you should search the forums to see how well that is
working for people.

People in this forum use the router that you have purchased, so that
should not be an issue.  Since you are running custom firmware on it,
you will have the ability to specify IP addresses for your squeezeboxes
via static DHCP, which has been reported to alleviate a number of
issues.  I have a WRT54GS running DD-WRT and have assigned addresses for
my SBs.  I configured it that way just because I perfer to have static

As somebody else mentioned, powerline ethernet adaptors can be used to
eliminate the wireless issues.  I use on in my kitchen to alleviate
issues with interference from the microwave.

Keep in mind that you can purchase squeezeboxes from Logitech with a 30
day no-questions-asked return policy.  I'm not sure what Amazon or other
retailers' policies are.

I don't know much about Sonos.  I'm sure it would work for you too. 
But, I think the squeezeboxes would work for you at a smaller cost.

Best of luck with whatever you choose.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 3 Booms, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.3.3, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 30,015 songs, 2,448 albums, 451 artists.
Kraftwerk's "The Catalog", Miles Davis' Amazon exclusive ~70 CD box
set, and U2's "The Unforgettable Fire" box are next in line to burden my
credit card :-).  Too many good releases in a short period of time.
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