tcutting;475975 Wrote: 
> Since you will have some time before you actually get a player, you can
> setup a "virtual" system to start to try things out.  As part of getting
> the Mac Mini up and running, you can go ahead and download the
> Squeezebox Server software and get that setup.  The is an application
> called "SoftSqueeze" which is a software emulator of the Squeezebox
> players.  It used to be accessible right from the Squeezebox Server
> (formerly known as SqueezeCenter), but now it's a separate item being
> supported by the community.  Before I got any Squeezebox Players, I had
> Squeezecenter up and running, with SoftSqueeze running on my Desktop PC
> which was hosting Squeezecenter, and also on a laptop which I would drag
> to my living room when I wanted to stream music.  The software players
> are not perfect (also, in addition to SoftSqueeze, there is also
> SqueezePlay which is basically the controller software which also
> includes a player feature, but that function still seems to be very
> hit-and-miss, and also squeezeslave, which is a GUI-less software player
> - I still run squeezeslave on my desktop PC as a virtual Squeezebox
> player).  The software players seem to be much less robust then the
> hardware players in terms of buffering, playing all types of streams,
> but they allow you to try out the whole experience before your hardware
> players arrive, and give you a chance to get the server up and running,
> play with getting your music files setup and properly tagged, etc.

This was exactly my plan. I figure if I get everything else set up
before adding the SB, I will be better off dealing with any issues that
arise if I know things were solid before adding the SB. I am also
interested in ripping our CDs into FLAC. I imagine this is a tedious
process, especially trying to use the mac mini. Until I get the computer
up here, I have no idea what it has for a HD, memory, and what OS
version it has on it. I have a feeling it is not 10.4 so I think I will
have to install that to run the server software. I don't know a ton
about FLAC other than what I have read on various sites. I downloaded
"Max" to try ripping a CD to FLAC. It appears to have worked. I also
came across vortexbox mentioned in multiple posts. That seems like a
great way to go. The problem is getting something to run it on. I saw
that you can buy the box designed specifically to run vortexbox. That
seems like a good option. Since I know little about vortexbox, I don't
know if it is a good value. Thanks for the info!

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