metalbob;482188 Wrote: 
> I am in the market for the Touch when it is released.  I am in the
> process of ripping my entire collection to lossless and want to get a
> network drive ready.  What format (FAT32, NTFS, etc.)does the drive need
> to be for the Touch to read it?  I am running a Mac setup at this point,
> but am using an old PC to do most of my ripping.

Do you plan on using the internal server that the Touch will run or
will you run the server on another machine on your network?  If the
server runs on another machine, then the drive format will only need to
be compatible with that machine.

But if you want to use the embedded server, Touch won't be able to
utilize a network drive.  It will be able to use an external USB drive,
however.  It must be FAT32 formatted.


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