The big reason why NTFS support would likely not be in TinySC or
available for other platforms is simple.  It's a proprietary format. 
Microsoft AFAIK, do not publish detailed specs nor source code to get it
implemented elsewhere.

To fully use NTFS you must rely on a third-party driver which has been
developed primarily by reverse engineering.  NTFS-3G, Paragon NTFS,

It would be far too big an undertaking for Logitech to develop its own
NTFS driver - it has taken the above organizations years to get to where
they are today.  Even Mac OS can only read NTFS by default - you have to
install one of the third-party solutions to be able to write.

Logitech must license the code to support NTFS.  Andy has mentioned
already that they'd likely go with a commercial solution.  So it is
quite a big deal to make it happen.  However, it's a HUGE deal not to
make it happen.  Not having NTFS would affect a large percentage of
customers.  Unfortunately it would affect precisely the customers that
this feature would be most useful for.  I mean anyone who is going to go
to the trouble of setting up a dedicated server would know how to obtain
third party software to format their disks any which way.  But the new
TinSC is the perfect solution for the less savvy and mom and pop who
just want to (or can only) connect an external drive - perhaps one they
already have.  They'll be stopped dead in their tracks when the Touch is
unable to see any of their music.


*'Twisted Melon - Fine Mac OS Software' (*
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