kgturner;500902 Wrote: 
> It might be too early to ask since the Touch isn't even out yet, but
> since the Touch has a version of SBS on it already, would it be possible
> to hook up a Drobo to a DroboShare, connect that to a router which is in
> turn connected to the Touch and run this setup without the computer
> being on? Just wondering as this type of setup would work nicely for
> me.

Possibly, but not supported and performance would most likely be
suckerific.  (NFS or SMB shares are ... slow.  Writing to a database
across NFS or SMB would be painfully slow).

It would work better if you used the USB connection on the Drobo and
plugged it into the Touch.

(remember that even connected, you're only running 100Mbps between the
router and the Touch, and even that isn't really true with how Ethernet
works, so you'd only get at best 60-80% utilization, and SMB in
particular is kinda sucky for heavy file accesss... NFS is a bit better,
but still they are nowhere near the speed of even USB2 which is 480Mbps,
or almost 5 times the rated speed of 100Mbps ethernet...  it's not hard
at all to get 300+Mbps transfer via a USB drive... impossible to get
that on ethernet unless you move to gigabit.)

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