ModelCitizen;514061 Wrote: 
> Hasn't all been said on this subject that can be said?
> Either cancel your order or shutup. Those that don't cancel.... the
> wait will be worthwhile. I have a beta Touch and it works pretty well...

I suppose you haven't noticed that is is pretty easy to float above
others with an air of superiority and counsel patience when you have
your unit and others don't.  ;-)

In the absence of credible information, it is simply human nature for
people to engage in speculation. If there is an information void, it
will not remain empty. And, the harder the source of official
information tries to ignore the brouhaha, the more vivid the speculation
becomes. Right now, Logitech might as well be delivering free fodder to
their competitors by the truckload. 

While perhaps they weren't responsible for the public's premature
awareness of the Touch, that egg can't be unscrambled. You would think
they'd be a bit more forthcoming by giving a status report to those who
pre-ordered, but instead they are now on their third revised release
date, communicated only through a comment buried in their user forums.
The "official" info doesn't seem any more credible than the speculation.

At some point one would think they'd go to their PR guy and ask if
there is a better way of handling things as opposed to sticking with the
script that was broken months ago.

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