I believe that since it receives NEC signals and transmits NEC signals,
all should be well with my Yamaha receiver.

Anyone know if the headphone plug also receives signals sent from a
source, as in controlling the Touch from another room?  If not, I may
have to add an emitter on the front of the Touch as well.

My plan is to have the Touch in one room, and the receiver in another. 
The Touch would catch an IR signal and pass it on to my receiver, either
through an emitter, or directly into the receiver, if it can decipher
the signal from the Touch correctly.

If I'm in the same room as the receiver, I may want to tune in to the
music being played on the Touch, but I'm not sure if I can send it a
signal from the Yamaha receiver to the Touch (change tracks, etc.).  I
may have to do iPeng and get an ipod Touch as a remote, too.

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