Dear Phil,

Yes I agree, to get their very best they need a dedicated headamp. 
However, I have owned them for six years already, and I get good
results with many different devices.  Portable devices have problems
with them, however, most of the computer jacks I've tried are adequate
to get them to decent listening levels.  Sure, they don't have the
physical presence and details they have with the X-cans, but they are
less fatiguing, partly due to the fact I have the internet to play
with.  The sound is more natural and round with the X-cans, but its
very blob in your head.  This is one of the main reasons I am
considering the HD800s to eleviate this problem due to their tilted
design to present a soundstage not in your head.  Although they are the
same price as my speakers, my headphone usage outdoes my speakers usage
20 to 1.

Our old technics hi-fi from the eighties had an excellent head amp.,
and when I demoed the Naim Supernait the sound was very warm and
pleasant, but the bass was non-existant.

When funds allow, I might consider another amp to go with the Senns,
but for the moment my priority is with the Touch and some new Bing
releases, and if I had 2K to spend I would go out and buy the new senns
over the naim headamp and power supply or lehmann audio block. 

So, I guess, what I'm asking is where the Touch headamp fits in to my
observations.  For me the main purpose of the Touch is not havening to
set up my own linux based music pc, finding a soundcard and configuring
alsa, etc.  But if it can do the other jobs well, I don't see the need
to get other items which don't offer much more performance. 
Conversely, if anyone one has a recommendation of a good headamp that
is pleasant with body, please feel free to tell me.


(Sorry if this thread is becoming convoluted - but I appreciate the

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