Mnyb;535770 Wrote: 
> The tread had > 300 views but only 4 vote on the bug ?
> If you want it vote and comment in the bug tracker.

Fellow Squeezeboxers I implore you! Now 400+ views and only 6 votes?

This missing feature is standard on all equipment with  S/PDIF outputs
that I own or have owned. The Touch should conform to this (non
standard?) standard. Besides, I am getting older and have become
increasingly adverse to change. So the fact that I now have to manually
change my DAC inputs and actually power down my DAC (or remove power
from the Touch) in order to avoid having the blazing blue LED's on my
DAC glowing all night long is causing me undue distress.

Please help stop the suffering. Vote Now!

(Flame retardant disclaimer: Certain parts of this post were made with
tongue firmly in cheek in order to convey the importance of this
feature request)

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