USB-HD: 2TB 3.5" Samsung
Files: 38000
Scan time: 9 hrs
Scan results: completed, but no artwork for some reason
Scan for new files time: 90 minutes
Firmware: 7.5.0 r8673

USB-HD: 750GB 3.5" Seagate
Files: 7000
Scan time: 15 minutes (more or less, it was pretty quick)
Scan results: completed
Scan for new files time: didn't try
Firmware: 7.5.0 r8673

I was going to try swapping two USB drives in and out since my library
is too big to fit on one drive, but once I saw the 90 minute rescan
time after detaching the reattaching the first drive I abandoned that

I think there should be an option to disable or bypass the new file
scan once the database has been created. It could even prompt with
"scan for new files?" when a drive with an existing scan database has
been newly attached (or the Touch has been rebooted).


iZotope SRC (96kHz offline upsampler) -> Touch -> TacT RCS 2.2X ->
Convolver PC (w/Acourate filter)-> Apogee Big Ben -> (TacT S2150 ->
Vandersteen 3a Signature + TacT S2150 -> TacT W210)
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