Mnyb;537829 Wrote: 
> Why do you need to "cover your music with playlists" ?
> Music is browsable by 
> genre
> artist
> album
> year
> Or by Random Mix's  like this:
> Random songs
> Random artists
> Random albums
> Random years
> Here you can exclude genres you don't want in that mix.
> Random mix is not like a regular playlist it gets filled in as you go
> so more songs will be added to it as you go .
> I'm not particularly fond of the playlist limit either, it's just 
> simple text file ? so I'm with you on that.
> But it does not make the product impossible to use.

Thanks for that info. I've never owned a Squeezebox before, and haven't
gotten a Touch (yet), so I don't know how it works. I read the
( but didn't see
non-playlist music-playing mentioned.

I'm thinking if I want to play by genre, I probably can't group genres,
right? I probably can't have it play both "Rock" and "Classic rock" as a
single super-genre. Same limitation with "Techno" and "Breakbeat",

Can you tell it to play all the music within a particular folder?
That's how my car's CD/MP3 player works. I would hope the Touch has
similar functionality. I group my music in folders by super-genre, so I
have a "Rock" folder, a "Hip hop" folder, a "Pop" folder, and an
"Electronica" folder, etc.

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