tipsen;537888 Wrote: 
> Not when playing music natively supported by the system (FLAC, MP3 etc)
> but maybe when transcoding files.
> From
> Native or Transcoded?
> In the SqueezeCenter/Squeezebox world, this can be an important
> difference. The various models of Squeezebox can handle different file
> types internally, so given (for example) an MP3 file can decode it into
> music within the box. Other file types can't be handled within the
> Squeezebox and are "transcoded", i.e. decoded in SqueezeCenter into
> another format that the Squeezebox does know how to handle (see also:
> Transcoding). SqueezeBox players natively handle the following
> formats:
> Lossless: AIFF, PCM, FLAC, WAV
> Lossy: MP3, OGG and WMA (except WMA Lossless):
> Some earlier models just MP3. See Hardware comparison.
> Another significant difference for a Squeezebox is that you can
> fast-forward or rewind with a format that can be played natively, but
> not one that is being transcoded.

That entirely misses the point. There is little reason for a playlist
to use any significant resources unless the software doing it is poorly
designed. Looking at the comments in 'this bug'
( it looks like
playlist handing is a kluge that requires an entire rewrite.

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