plympton;538688 Wrote: 
> I've plowed through the code today, and made some good progress on the
> volume slow issue. It seems it might be a dance between reliability
> (not overshooting) and responsiveness.  How can I go about making this
> a parameter somewhere so that I don't need to reset this with every
> FlashROM update?
If you create a patch file using "diff -uN oldfile newfile" we can
integrate it with the third party Patch Installer applet which can
re-install the patch automatically after each firmware upgrade.

You can look at a sample patch file for something completely
differently here:

As you can see, the patch file needs to be relative to the /usr

If you create a patch file I can host it in my Google Code project or
as an alternative you can host it on your own server and create your
own repository file that contains your patches.

For a sample of a repository file, you can see the bottom "patches"
section of my repository:
Or as an alternative look at jstraw's repository file that only
contains patches, here:

Let me know if you want me to host it in my Google Code project and
I'll add it as soon as I've got the patch file from you.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
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