Mnyb;540374 Wrote: 
> What I wonder here is. Is there any guideline or consensus for when a
> setting.
> 1. Should be local  ?
> 2. Integrated with the squeezeboxserver  ?
> 3. Integrated with squeezeboxserver and  ?
> 1 & 2 is possible for 3rd party devs to accomplish 3 needs logitechs
> cooperation.
As far as I know there isn't any guideline available, at least have
haven't seen any. I suspect it's decided based on if the server needs
to know about the setting or if it needs to be possible to remote
control from a Controller, if it doesn't it's handled locally. Things
that needs to be remotely controlled by a Squeezebox Controller have to
be known by the server or accessed through the server. If a typical user
likes to sit in the couch when changing something, it needs to be
accessible through the Controller. That's one reason why for example
volume is possible to control/view via the server.

Some typical guidelines when things should be implemented/accessible
through eh server:
- When the typical user is going to control it from the couch
- When it's something that's changed several times a week

Third party add-ons are probably going to focus on local applet
implementation/patches because patching the server isn't fun at all,
especially on Windows where it's a compiled exe. Some things can be
implemented as third party plugins on the server side but many of these
things will require modifications to the core code of the server to make
it a good solution. Also most settings accessible through the server are
also expected to work on MySB unless it's something that's only relevant
to local music.

I suspect "balance" would have been accessed via the server if Logitech
implemented it, because they probably want it to be accessible by a
Squeezebox Controller. We are probably going to see a local
implementation if it's done by third parties, at least initially. For
the "balance" setting, I personally don't think a local implementation
is a big problem, most users that like to setup balance is probably
going to set it up once and then never touch it again. In most cases,
the reason to adjust balance is because of non optimal room layout or
speaker placement.


Erland Isaksson
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