mlsstl;541981 Wrote: 
> While I'm very pleased with the performance of the Touch with my
> external music server (46,000 songs) I've not had a successful scan by
> the built-in server in three tries with two different copies of the
> external backup drives. The first scan ran 14 or 15 hours before I gave
> up. The next two tries seemed to scan through the drive in 4 or 5 hours
> only to have the internal server crash at the very end. (And yes,
> firmware is up to date.) 
> I did try it with a 2 GB USB flash drive and it all worked very nicely.
> Since the Touch works extremely well for the purpose I bought it for,
> I'm pleased. However, I can't say I'm impressed with the Tiny SBS
> function, especially since this was the cause of the four month delay
> in product release.

I have a 1.5 TB Western Digital Elements external hard drive.  The
scanning process is not bad.  But I'm having a lot of trouble with the
Touch staying connected to the hard drive by USB.  And when connected,
it's taking 40 seconds and longer for the Touch to pull up and then
play songs.  This can't be right.

I have about 600 GB of songs (roughly 22,000 songs).  The long delays
and the regular problems connected through the USB is making the Touch
very unusable for me.

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