Tony T;551217 Wrote: 
> ok, so what if someone had 5,000 flac's?  What is the 'tipping point'?

There is no one tipping point. Its a server shoe-horned into a player,
that even at its best is near maxing out the resources of the hardware.
It doesn't take much to push it over the edge. 

The result is that many different things can be the the cause of a
problem, or especially a combination of things. The result is you if
you have issue "X" the tipping point will probably be different than if
you have issue "Y". It can vary radically depending on what is causing
the problem in a particular case. 

Things like 24/96 files put a lot more strain on the system than
16/44.1 files. High compression flac puts more strain on the system
than low compression or wav files. Usage also plays an important part.
Playing an album straight through puts less strain on a system than
skipping around in the middle of songs or shuffle. Drive condition can
make a difference. A fragmented drive can cause problems, especially if
one of the other "high strain" issues is in play. A drive which is
starting to get a little flaky can also cause problems. If it takes
some retries to read a sector but eventually does get it correct, this
can take extra CPU resources to deal with it, and especially if
something else is taking up cpu resources (such as playing 24/96 flacs)
it can push the system over the edge. 

There are a lot of such things that can cause problems, especially in
combination with each other. Because of this its impossible to make
blanket statements of the form "this configuration is guaranteed to
work, and this is guaranteed to fail" 

OK I will make one configuration that is probably not going to work.
100,000 24/96 high compression flac files each of which has a 2kx2k
embedded artwork image on a highly fragmented, slow, slightly flaky
drive with a user who likes to skip around in the middle of songs. I
think is fairly safe to say that is not going to work. 

John S.

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