jwo;551919 Wrote: 
> So how shall I reason when I go to the store and buy my new usb hdd?
> What hdd shall I choose? Its like gambling or what? There must be a hdd
> THAT JUST WORKS for a a music collection about 200 Gb ( I dont have a
> 100TB  megasize musiccollection )  :)

I share your frustrations(!) I bought two HDDs, on the recommendations
of others (both Seagate), and worryingly both packed up after very
limited use with the SBT (and seemingly random reliability!), but it
was difficult to ascertain which was at fault -- the HDD or SBT -- even
when I always followed the instructions, ejected the HDD always, before
disconnecting, etc.

Again, like you, I don't have a vast collection, only modest -- about
200 Gb of (mainly) flacs.

Since then, I've taken to listening to my current favourite 30 or so
flac albums on a 16GB USB stick, and this seems to work fine, but I'm
definitely not going to buy another HDD until Logitech have updated the
firmware on the SBT, and until things are at least more stable than they
are currently.

My advice? Hold on to your money and wait until the latest FW release
yields more positive responses from users on the forum, and then
hopefully some users will make known which HDDs they are having sucess
with, in using the new FW, whenever it arrives.

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