JohnSwenson;553741 Wrote: 
> ...I have taken a stock SB3 and replaced the clock oscillators with ones
> that have been measured on the very expensive systems to have about 3
> times lower jitter than the stock ones. The analog outs sounded
> significantly better with this change. Nothing else changed... Its far
> stickier with S/PDIF out... There are several methods for decreasing
> jitter sensitivity which actually produce fairly high levels of jitter
> themselves... "make everything sound pretty good" approach, but that
> limits the performance when fed by a really good source. Unfortunately
> no manufacturer is going to TELL you that!..

Hi John,

When you get a chance, I am very curious please: How
difficult/expensive was it, to replace the SB3 clock oscillator(s)? 
Also please, generally what are some of those currently used
methods/approaches you're thinking about for decreasing interface
jitter sensitivity, that also produce high levels of their own jitter?

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