nicolas75;572334 Wrote: 
> You downsample a high resolution file, then upsample to the original
> sample rate, which gives you the very same, binary identical, original
> file.

If you've thrown away information above fs/2 when you downsampled it,
you cant get it back by upsampling. So the binary file would never be
identical in that case.

nicolas75;572334 Wrote: 
> I think it is easy to write a software which upsample a file, and mix it
> with high resolution noise, or whatever kind of "reverse dithering" dsp.
> This will add artificial high resolution data you can hardly distinguish
> from real high resolution recording.

Sure, you could. Although I would expect someone with experience (like
BruceB I mentioned in the post above) to be able to look at the HF
content and "decide" whether it is real - harmonics, noise, digital

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