magiccarpetride;584095 Wrote: 
> Fully concur. One thing I'm not sure about is whether the digital
> transport in Touch is susceptible to the 'burn in' phenomenon. I've
> been experiencing extraordinary transformations of the sound quality
> with my Caiman DAC as it was burning in; Caiman is a piece of equipment
> that truly needs substantial burn in period before it can shine its true
> colors (it sounded incredibly underwhelming out of the box).
> With Touch, I think I'm hearing some improvements after four days of
> constant burn in, but it could also be that I'm merely learning how to
> listen to it properly, as my ears adjust to the added clarity and
> softness in the sound.
> Any observations from the field by those of you who have been living
> with the Touch for a few months now?
> Oh, btw, one way to stream your content to any computer would be to
> store it on amazon s3 cloud. Touch allows you to access different IP
> addresses and stream your content.

I haven't noticed any change one way or the other in the sound of the
Touch's digital output over time.

Thanks for the cloud computing suggestion. I looked into Amazon's S3
service and instantly got a monster headache when trying to figure out
the cost. See if you can make some sense (cents:)) out of this:


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2 (oops) -> Touch

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