paulster;607477 Wrote: 
> It's quite entertaining to hear the non-technical put their own spin on
> something which is quite absolute. The DTS test is all you need to
> verify that this is complete tripe, without getting into the
> technicalities of the OSI and hardware abstraction models and then
> network data transmission.

I'm amazed at how someone can claim that something in the sphere of
human experience can be labeled 'absolute'. There is absolutely nothing
absolute with regards to how we humans experience phenomena around us,
as well as within us. Everything about it is absolutely relative.

This being said, has any of the foaming-at-the-mouth naysayers here
ever listened comparatively to the playback of the same track using
Linux and then using some other OS? In case you have, and you couldn't
hear any difference, that's great, and good for you. But please don't
claim that something is not possible before you give it a try.

If we continue in this idiotically scholastic fashion, pretty soon
someone will claim that the rain is falling because the grass is

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