guidof;611278 Wrote: 
> Hi Rick:
> Thanks for the additional information.
> The evidence seems to be that this is just, as you put it, a "cosmetic"
> issue. 
> On 24/96 material, the Touch's digital output sounds better than
> anything I heard on my system. Even on 16/44.1, it tends to improve
> over the sound of CDs played on the CA 840C.
> Guido F.I was amazed how things sounded the other night, I agree, best I have
heard. I was going to do a comparison with the CD, but then said the
heck with it and continued to enjoy ...


Bits: Azur 840C, Oppo 980H, SB Touch; Squiggles: Thorens TD-145 + Denon
DL160; Pre-Heater: McIntosh C220; Heaters: Bottlehead Paramount 300B;
Wavemakers: Triangle Titus, NHT SubOne
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