Did this mod yesterday and found it quite straight forward, helps that I
was trained as an electronics engineer many a year ago :) Whilst I had
the case open I decided to disconnect the FCB's to the screen to see
how difficult this was to get them back in. Also not to bad once you
realise there is a hinge to open. For now I have left my Touch with the
screen disconnected to go for maximum SQ gains, misses not to impressed
as this was the only clock in the lounge!

Very impressed with the results tbh :) Makes me want to do more now and
as I have the screen off I would like to re-case the Touch and make it a
proper headless design with plenty of room for other mods like separate
power to discrete circuits etc


Lounge - SB Touch with TT3.0, DC cap mod, screen disconnected, XBMC
ASRock, Proceed AVP2, CinePro 3K6, Monitor Audio GR20's, 10TB unRAID
Workshop - SB3, T-Amp, JBL C1's
Office - SB3, CLabs 2.1
andyjayh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3758
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