Reading the tech spec on the Marantz pm-7004

200mV input sensitivity that is simply silly :) Touch is about 2V rms
(ten times that 2000mV) the power amp direct input has a more reasonable
1.6V input 

High input sensitivity is also typical for older amps stuff from the
70's usually operated in the 100mV to 0,5 volt range for example a
cassete with not that high recording level .

I dont know Marantz are thinking here .

1. Want to make sure that the client can truly blast his speakers even
with his 1972 tuner playing classical music .

2. Marketing ,people are stupid the amp can be perceived as "weak" if
you have to turn the volume a lot . yes this is real I've seen it
,people wants to play at 11 just like in spinal tap .
And you find post like it on online forums " I bought a 200W amp and i
have to turn the volume a lot ...."

This is a very simple problem that the reviewers should point out , but
do they ?

This can also be very speaker and room dependent .

Are you using Cerwin Vega or Klipsh speakers in a small room :) high
sensitivity speakers can compound this by aditianal 10-20dB .

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