On 12/29/2014 07:45 PM, Jason Spiro wrote:
> Marc André Tanner <mat@...> wrote:
>> In general I would like to see toybox focus on clean, POSIX compilant
>> replacements of the basic utilities (thing core/find utils, sed, awk etc)
>> instead of duplicating stuff like tmux.
> Agreed.  The only reason why I mentioned tmux is because Rob mentioned[1],
> in passing, the idea of putting screen into Toybox.  If he puts in any
> terminal multiplexer, I'd prefer tmux instead of screen.  But, in truth, I
> too would be happier if toybox would focus on the basics rather than on
> terminal multiplexers.  :)

I have a list of things I might add after the 1.0 release. For 1.0, the
existing roadmap is _plenty_.

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