On 11/24/19 2:29 PM, scsijon wrote:
>> That's what the 511 lines do.
> I'm not knocking it in any way, nor did I say I wouldn't use it when I get
> things somewhat resolved in my mind, it's just not what i'm looking for with
> what's in my mind at this point.

The point is "here's a working example from which you can learn to do your own

>>> but may use it
>>> after i've started to sort out what I "really want it to do", rather than "I
>>> think I would like it to be able to do it this way".
>>> Got 3 projects 'floating in the air' at present, (sound familiar anyone,) 
>>> and
>>> this is the 'new' one and it's very airy-fairy at this point. It's come out 
>>> of
>>> my musl/clang/llvm-no_gcc_etc project in a fourth dimension direction, not 
>>> even
>>> talkable to myself at the moment, just a hash of ideas.
>> It'd be nice if a modern https://ellcc.org happened. :(
> this site is bringing alarms up in firefox, Potential Security Risk>

Translation: it doesn't support https, just http, but I type the s out of habit
these days.

> Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time
> period. The certificate for ellcc.org expired on 7/11/2018.
> Could not verify this certificate because the issuer is unknown!
> not sure what's going on or what it's about.


But if you click through the warning it's a "welcome to whatever web server this
is" page, gotta take off the s and do http to see the site.

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