3 March 2020, 18:21:59 "Rob Landley" <r...@landley.net>:
> https://support.google.com/a/answer/33786

Exactly. Can you please add this SPF thing to your domain records? Today asked
dreamhost for their postfix log on my address, and my provider for what to do
with that, and they both told me to write you about SPF mismatch and rfc7208.

> I need to update the rss feed generator to use the <span=programming> tags 
> I've
> been sticking in forever, so you can get an rss feed of _just_ the technical
> content without me complaining about the various things that get in the way of
> said technical content.

Asking for the opposite, I've read your entire notes archive and want to
get list messages from other toybox users in addition, not in replacement.
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