On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Adam Monsen wrote:

> Is anyone working on a Debian package for the latest stable release?
> If not, does anyone have tips on how I might help with this? I figure I 
> could just grab the last good source package, apply it to a 2.1.1 
> tarball, and see what happens.

Yes! Just the debian/ directory. See also 
http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ and its section, "Updating the 

I'll try to answer questions, though I'm just a friendly onlooker. (I 
don't maintain a Pootle anymore, and I am a Debian developer but am also 
swamped with lots of other things so I can't take an active role in Pootle 

> I'd love to try out the new release with Mifos. Mifos is stuck with Java 
> .properties files for the time being, and I'm stoked with the prospect 
> of being able to work on these directly from Pootle.


-- Asheesh.

Q:      Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
A:      To conform with departmental regulations concerning uniform dress.

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