Replying inline (from my phone, shall be interesting...)

Terin Stock
[Sent from a mobile device]
On Mar 2, 2011 2:17 PM, "Fabien Grenier" <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I try Pootle 2.1.5 for the translation of our J2EE sofware. I am sure that
> is the good tool for us but my boss expect the chosen tool works perfectly
> and has been completly understood.
> My Pootle config :
> Pootle 2.1.5
> Django 1.1.4
> lxml 2.3.0
> So I have some questions and issues.
> 1. I use java .properties files directly in Pootle but I see it's a new
> functionnality. Is it better to convert my files externally and use PO
> for Pootle ?

You can use Translation Toolkit to convert to PO first, bu Pootle uses this
internally, so probably just fine using the properties files

> 2. When I tried to install the latest version of Django, Pootle didn't
> and I had to downgrade to the previous. I had not keep the stacktrace but
> can retry if you want.
> 3. I can't use accept/reject suggestion, when I click, I see the following
> error in firebug : "403 Forbidden Cross Site Request Forgery detected.
> Request aborted." Is it a known bug or have I something to configure ?

If I remember correctly, newer versions of Django have csrf detection built
in, but the cookies should be being sent. I would take a look at the headers
your browser is sending with the request.

> 4. When I exported the translate files to copy them in my sources, the
> encoding format wasn't good. I use ISO-8859-15 in my project  and the
> exported files seems to be in UTF-8 (all special characters like éèà
> é). Is it because the locale of my server use UTF-8 ? Can I configure the
> encoding in Pootle ?

I try to do everything in UTF8 for this reason. My understanding is that
your template file is in ISO-8859-15, is it possible to use UTF8 files in
your project?

> If this mailing it's not the good way to find help, please tell me where I
> have to look for.
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Regards,
> --
> Fabien
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