Does your admin account have review rights?

On 2011-03-27 09:45, Pavel Repkin wrote:
> Dear community,
> recently I have successfully installed Pootle service on Apache.
> However, I have stumbled upon a problem with suggestions.
> When I logged in as an administrator I am unable to accept or reject
> suggestions.
> The buttons Accept and Reject are displayed, but they do not work.
> When I press the button nothing happens.
> I have tried it on "tutorial" project as well as on our project.
> A sad screenshot
> I have tried to press the buttons with Firefox, IE7 and IE8.
> No luck.
> Do you know how to make them work?
> I am running Pootle in debug mode.
> However there were no debug messages when I was pressing the buttons.
> No JavaScript errors in Firefox JavaScript console.
> This is the HTML code of suggestion<div>  I have extracted with FireBug.
> There are no JavaScript handlers there. Probably this will help you to find
> the source of the problem
> <div class="translate-suggestion">
>      <div lang="ru" dir="ltr" id="suggdiff-5-0" class="suggdiff">Добро
> пожаловать<span class="translate-diff-insert">  2</span></div>
>      <input type="hidden" value="5" name="suggid" class="suggid" id="sugg-5">
>      <a class="acceptsugg" id="accept-5" accesskey="a" title="Accept
> suggestion"><img dir="ltr" src="/pootle/html/images/tick.png"></a>
>      <a class="rejectsugg" id="reject-5" accesskey="r" title="Reject
> suggestion"><img dir="ltr" src="/pootle/html/images/cross.png"></a>
> </div>
> Our server configuration
> Pootle 2.1.5
> Translate Toolkit 1.8.1
> Django 1.2.3
> Ubuntu 10.10
> Pasha
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