I have tested the Trisquel 9 Image on my Core2 Quad with coreboot. Here Some Issues I found.

The installation dialog crashes every time short time after the partitioning of the hard disk, so an instatallation was not possible. I upgraded from a fresh Trisquel 8 installation. Suspend does not work well. Sometimes it works but most of the time it resumes instantly. There is a bug in the mate panel. When you add a program from the app menu to the bar, the window list disappears.
The clock of the bar does not work, when you configure the bar vertical left.

I don't understand why a so outdated version of mate is used here. I think most of the bugs are already fixed in the latest version. And we will have to stick to this for the next 4 years.

There is also a problem with the BlackMate theme. In some apps eg IceDove the fonts are hard to read.

Suspend2Ram is the real deal breaker for me at the moment.

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